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How To Get Graphic Designer Jobs In Dubai?

We know you’re likely a graphic designer or visual artist who’s wondering how to get graphic designer jobs in Dubai. Hopefully, if you do the job search right, you’ll find a great job at a company that values your art and design skills, so you can bring your creative talents to a whole new company and team.

What Is A Graphic Designer In Dubai?

A graphic designer is a creative artist who designs logos, posters, websites, marketing collateral, etc. And, it is a super-creative job if you are a student of graphic design. You need to be good at communicating your ideas and encouraging people to engage with them. So, don’t you worry; we will give you quick reference on how to get graphic designer jobs in Dubai.

Is Graphic Designer Jobs In Dubai Demanding?

The graphic designer job market in Dubai has been constantly growing and expanding over the years. People from all walks of life are attracted to a job in the field of graphic design; you can think of it as an entry point into a completely new market. A lot of employers want graphic designers who are specialized in the content marketing industry. In other words, graphic designers in Dubai are in high demand. They are all over the city. It is not just the City of Gold, Dubai, but it is the world; who are looking for graphic designers is exactly what attracts employers in Dubai.

That’s why the image of the graphic designer in Dubai has changed over the years. They used to be creative professionals who didn’t have a true design education, they worked in an advertising agency or for a graphic designer agency. Today, there are lots of graphic designer jobs in Dubai and they are an important part of the economy. Some people even go to Dubai for their MSc or PhD, the work environment is so competitive that it is not surprising that there are not many creative people who want to move to the country for their studies.

How To Get Graphic Designer Jobs In Dubai?

How To Get Graphic Designer Jobs In DubaiWhen you want to work in a graphic design agency in Dubai, you should understand the company’s main goal. Is it to serve its clients or to make as much money as possible? This is something you should find out from the people at the company; if the company is looking to make lots of money, they will probably not have a good culture.

You should also ask yourself if the company provides great benefits like an excellent work environment or a team of well-trained professionals. This is something you can easily find out. It is all about checking the company’s website and social media accounts. All the companies working in the UAE need to be compliant with UAE laws and regulations, so check the official site to get a good idea of what the company offers.

Most of the graphic design jobs in Dubai are in the designing industry. This means graphic designers must be extremely good at both art and design. But how do you get good at both? What’s the best way to learn the art of designing? Here are few tips on how you can get a graphic designer jobs in Dubai:

1.Apply Online

As far as jobs in Dubai go, a majority of them are found on the internet. Nowadays, graphic design jobs can be found on LinkedIn and other social media sites. If you don’t have any design experience or skills, applying online can be the best option for you. So, do some research on design companies in Dubai and find out how to apply online.

2.Find out where to submit your portfolio

The next step is to find out where you can submit your portfolio. There are a few places you can submit it. Some of the companies require that you submit your work in PDF format or on the cloud. Others prefer online submissions. You will find out what your company’s requirements are based on their websites. A great way to submit your work is through E-portfolio and it can be found on the company’s official website.

3.Learn some design skills

This is the best way to start learning the art of design. No matter what type of job you are applying for, either graphic designer jobs in Dubai or not, there is a chance that you will be asked to design something for them. This is how you get really good at design. It is the perfect way to learn the basics, from a friend or from YouTube. Learning how to design an image is the most basic thing you need to learn in order to have a good work environment.

4.Get involved in a graphic design community

Another way to learn how to design is to join a graphic design community. A lot of graphic designers are members of forums and communities which help them improve their work. This is one of the most convenient ways to start learning because it’s so easy to get involved in a community. But there is no need to join a community just for that, you can also learn by asking questions to the experienced designers. You will not only learn how to design better, but you will also learn how to develop your own graphic designs and improve them with more knowledge.

5.Attend graphic design courses

Some people believe that you need to learn design all by yourself. This is not true. A lot of graphic design courses are available online now. Some people say that going to a school is the best way to learn graphic design, and that is not true either. You need to go to a school if you want to learn the basics of design, but you do not need to go to a school to learn design skills. Graphic design courses and online tutorials are now available online, so you can learn a lot of things by yourself.


Graphic designer jobs in Dubai are among the most sought after in the country. If you know how to create great designs and you have good design skills, then you are ahead of a lot of other people in Dubai. But there is a way to improve your design skills faster. This is learning how to design with the help of a friend. If you don’t know anyone, this might be a bit difficult, so apply for jobs and you never know, you might meet someone online and then start working with them.


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